"BEST Customer Service in Conveyancing" Award Winner for 2023 & 2024 (Word Of Mouth)
Stamp duty is a form of tax that is determined by the state government so the rules will vary depending on which state that you are purchasing in.
In Queensland, the stamp duty is assessed and payable on 30 days from the Contract date or the Contract unconditional date. You need to account for the correct amount to be on the due date.
If you do not have enough money in your savings to pay for the stamp duty, you may consider adding this expense into your loan amount when you make your loan application. However, remember that the more you borrow, the higher your loan to value ratio will be. If your loan to value ratio is higher than a certain percentage (usually 90%), your lender may require you to purchase lenders mortgage insurance, which is an additional expense that you need to budget for.
Lead Legal Services Pty Ltd (ABN 86 640 514 558)
Proud to be a registered conveyancing law firm.
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